The Ion Kit comes with ion block(s), ion mounting bracket(s), a VOC sensor and a terminal strip that provides
feedback through a dry contact closure. When there are 4 or more blocks in a kit, 24V power supplies are
included to provide enough power to the system.
The first step is to mount the ion generator(s). Reference the ION-0A*00 install sheet provided at the end of this
document for more information about installing the individual ion generators.
Ion Generator(s)
ION Kit Installation
Ionization can only clean the air when the fan on the HVAC unit is running. The thermostat fan setting should be
put to “On” (not auto) to ensure the fan continually runs and that the air is constantly cleaned. If this is not done,
the air cleaning done by ionization will be lower than expected.
ION Kit Operational Notes
Once each ion generator is landed, the wires from each
ion generator need to be run back and landed on the
terminal strip. The Ion Kit gets power from the existing
24V power in the HVAC unit if there are 3 or less ion
generators. If there are 4 or more ion generators, 24V
power supplies are provided and need to be installed.
Once the ion generators, VOC sensor, terminal strip
and power supplies are mounted, tie the feedback
from the unit to the monitoring devices you are using to
ensure that the ionization is always working. Reference
wiring schematic provided on the next page.
If using multiple ion generators, tie the wires of
each generator together after mounting (if using the
mounting plate, mount the generators to the plate
and tie the wires of each generator together before
mounting each plate). Be sure to keep all wires away
from the generator tips, moving objects and areas that
may cause wires to be sucked into the blower.
figure [1.3]
Position the ion generator(s) perpendicular to the air stream by mounting them to the inlet of the supply fan on
the opposite side of the drive shaft and belt. See figure [1.3] below. This may require the removal of the top panel
on the RTU. If multiple blowers exist, evenly distribute the number of ion generators between them.