Page 7 2019-05-10
J11: Optional external ON/OFF control button and LED indicator
1, 2: To external LED indicator. 1 : Anode(+), 2 : Cathode(-).
3, 4: To optional external push button for ON/OFF control, internally connected to knob encoder.
J10: UART reserved for communication or FW upgrade
3: Rxd.
4: Txd.
5: GND
All other pins: reserved please keep un-connected
9600, N, 8 ,1
J13: Micro USB socket, reserved for future applications or FW upgrade
J30: 5V output to UcMateConditioner
Internally connected to J8.
J29: ON/OFF control signal to UcMateConditioner
J25, J24, J20, J23, J28, J22, J27, J21, J26, J19
Bridge connectors to connect to UcHybrid ultra capacitor upgrade boards corresponding to battery cells BT7, BT6,
BT2, BT5, BT10, BT4, BT9, BT3, BT8, BT1.
J25 and J24 were assembled by default.
J18, J17: Optional 5
and 6
3.3V battery rail output.