to obtain all required permits prior to commencement of the installation. (Oregon customers may
be assessed a $100 LEA Permit fee.) Customer acknowledges that if any of the above
information is incorrect, they are responsible for notifying Isotropic Networks, Inc.; failure to do so
may delay installation and increase cost of install. Customer understands that there may be
additional charges should an installation require more than what is listed in
the Basic Installation package.
The Modem makes connecting to the Internet easier by incorporating software inside the unit, so
there is no software to load on your computer. In addition, the modem houses both transmit and
receive components in one compact unit. The modem uses an Ethernet
connection, making it easy to connect to a single computer or to a hub and
from there to a network.
Coax Cables & Connectors
Standard RG-6 coax cables connect the
Controller and the modem inside the vehicle to
the base of the
The connector panel, where the five coax cables connect to the antenna and are then routed into
the vehicle, is located below the mount (see image above).
From left to right, the connectors are:
1. TV 1 (for optional satellite TV connection)
2. TV 2 (for a second satellite TV connection)
3. Control Cable (the cable is shown connected to the iAutoSat antenna)
4. Transmit connection (connects to the radio on the satellite antenna)
5. Receive connection (connects to the LNB on the satellite antenna)
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Section 3