Copyrighted by Integrated Biometrics Inc., 2008
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1.8.9 Choose the “TRU Site Code” or “Card Site Code” radio button. Choose “Card Site Code” if
Door Control is to be handled by an Access Control system other than provided by Integrated
Biometrics. Choose “TRU Site Code” if handled by Integrated Biometrics system.
1.8.10 Fill in the “Door Control ID” field if you choose “TRU Site Code.” The
manufacturers default setting is 255. See Hardware Manual for the programming of different Door
1.8.11 The “Detail” field is a free form descriptive field for your use. It is not required to be filled
1.8.12 The “Multi Tokens” check box determines whether you are setting up this TRU for Single
Token Access or Multi Token Access. If you leave this check box blank, the TRU will be Single
Token. Either Biometric
Prox Card will allow Access.
If Multi-Token identification for access is desired, check the “Multi Token” box, and
choose “Card & Fingerprint” from the drop down Menu. To activate programming of Multi-
Token, you must update the TRU in the “Tools/TRU Update” menu selection. When Multi-Token
is set, present Prox card first, then finger. It is not necessary to press the enter button before
presenting finger after Prox card. If Multi-Token is then unchecked to set this TRU back to single
token, again you must update the TRU to reset it.
Fill in unique ID
number and Name
Choose either the
TRU Site Code or
Card Site by clicking
radio button here
Fill in Door
Control ID here.
Click here to put
check mark in box if
setting up the TRU for
Multi Token use.
Leave blank for Single
token use