Issue 1.10
„Delay both edges“
Beginning with the first edge, the output signal (purple) blocks the input and keeps the log-
ical value of the edge for the duration of the defined debounce time. Thereafter, the chan-
nel is transparent again, directly assumes the logical level of the input signal and waits for
the next edge
– be it rising or falling.
Figure 8:
Debounce filter: „Delay both edges“
Voltage supply
Voltage supply X14
The external voltage supply is connected by a 2-pin connector.
Only connect the device to an external voltage supply 24 V DC (±10 % unregulated)!
Pay attention to polarity!
Buffer voltage X30
The connection of a buffer voltage is supported with hardware version B3 and software
version 02.06.001 or higher. The following functions can be buffered in case of a power
FO line: incoming ibaNet telegrams are transmitted, the FO line is not interrupted.
For this purpose, a buffer voltage
of typ. 12 V DC (9…15 V) is applied at the X30 connect-
or. In case of buffering, the current consumption is approx. 70 mA at 12 V.