Page 18
When the green light is on next to the TIME OF DAY
legend, the display is showing the time that the
control thinks it is correct. If you need to change the
Time of Day, refer to the instructions later in this
section. The Time of Day displays time in hours and
minutes sepa-rated by a colon[:]. When the colon is
flashing on and off, water is flowing through the
conditioner. There is a small red dot in the upper left
corner near the PM letters to indicate PM for 12-hour
clocks. When the dot is off, the time is AM. You can
set the clock for any time, AM or PM.
Complete the following steps to change the Time of
1. Press the down arrow
button until the green
light next to the TIME OF DAY legend is on.
2. Press the
button and the minute number on
the display starts flashing. If you want to change
this number , press the up arrow
button to
increase the number or the down arrow
to decrease the number. To skip the number
without changing, press the left arrow
3. When the number is correct, press the left arrow
button. The first number stops and the next
number starts flashing. You can only change the
flashing number.
4. Continue changing numbers until you reach the
desired setting.
5. Press the
button. The number stops flashing
and the control accepts the new setting. After
approximately 30 seconds, the control starts alter-
nating the display between TIME OF DAY and
If a beep sounds, the new setting is not
The control does not keep time during a
power outage but will resume its timekeeping from the
time of day power was lost. A short power outage
should not cause a problem. If the outage is several
hours, the control will regenerate at the wrong time of
day. All other memory is stored in the NOVRAM and
maintained during power outage. Refer to page3.
Time of Regeneration
The control uses the Time of Regeneration to decide
when to begin a regeneration. When a regeneration is
necessary and the Time of Day Clock is at the same
time as the Time of Regeneration setting, the control
starts the regeneration. The factory setting for Time of
Regeneration is 2:00 AM. If this time is inconvenient,
you can select any other time of day. Remember that
the soft water is not available during a regeneration of
the water conditioner. Time of Regeneration can be
set for any time, AM or PM.
The control may be programmed for an immed-
iate regeneration option. In this case, the control does
not wait for the Time of Regeneration but regenerates
when the remaining capacity reaches zero. Contact
your dealer for more information regarding this option.
Complete the following steps to change the Time of
1. Press the down arrow
button until the green
light next to the TIME OF REGEN legend is on.
2. Press the
button and the minute number on
the display starts flashing. If you want to change
this number, press the up
button to increase
the number or the down arrow
button to
decrease the number.
To skip the number without changing, press the
left arrow
3. When the number is correct, press the left arrow
button. The first number stops flashing and the
next number starts flashing. You can only change
the flashing number.
4. Continue changing numbers until you reach the
desired setting.
5. Press the
button. The number stops flashing
and the control accepts the new setting. After
approximately 30 seconds, the control starts alter-
nating the display between TIME OF DAY and
If a beep sounds, the new setting is not
Hardness Setting
The Hardness Setting refers to the amount of hard-
minerals in your water before it is conditioned.
The control uses this setting to calculate how many
gallons of water can be conditioned before a
regeneration is necessary.
Your water treatment dealer tested the water at the
time of installation and entered a Hardness Setting in
the control. We recommend that you consult your
dealer or have your water retested before changing
this setting
You can see the Hardness Setting the dealer entered
by pressing the down arrow
button until the green
light next to the HARDNESS legend is on. The
number on the display is the measure of water
hardness in grains per gallon (milligrams per litre for
Complete the following steps to change the Hardness
1. Press the down arrow
button until the green
light next to the HARDNESS legend is on. The
setting range is (30 TO 2500 milligrams/litre for
2. Press the
button and the minute number on
the display starts flashing. If you want to change
this number, press the up
button to increase
the number or the down arrow
button to
decrease the number.
To skip the number without changing, press the
left arrow