IBM 6000VA LCD 4U Rack UPS
The following functions are available on the control panel:
System status: Displays the battery status, load percentage, output power, output voltage and
frequency, mode, notice or alarm status.
Alarm history: Displays the alarm history for the 50 most recent events.
Meters: Displays the output watts VA, current, power factor, voltage, frequency, input voltage, input
frequency, battery voltage and percentage charged.
Control screens: Displays the battery test, reset error state, configure load segments, and restore
Model information: Displays the machine type, model, and serial number of the unit as well as the
firmware level of the UPS, including the optional Network Management Card’s firmware level and IP
address, if installed.
Configuration: Allows you to change up to 17 user settings with minimal navigation.
The buttons have the following functions:
Escape (X): Press this button to return to the previous menu without running a command or saving
any changes.
Down ( ): Press this button to scroll down to the next menu option.
OK: Press this button to select the current menu or option.
On/off: Press this button to turn on the UPS. Press and hold this button for 3 seconds to turn off the
On some screens, the OK button has an additional function if you press and hold the button longer than 1
On the User Setting screens, to save the displayed setting.
On the Meter and Notice/Alarm screens, to lock the screen (prevent the screen from returning to its
default after timeout). A locked screen displays a small key image near the status icon. To unlock the
screen, press any button to perform its usual function.