Testing Your Computer
Select the Test icon; then select the Start icon or press Enter.
A window such as the following appears. The devices shown
in the window are associated with features and options of your
If you cannot go to the next menu, have your computer
If an X appears to the left of a device with an error code
below it, make a note of the error code and have the
computer serviced.
Do not touch the keyboard or the pointing device during the test.
If you have the SelectaDock I or II docking station as an option
with your computer, you need to create the diagnostic diskette to
test the SelectaDock docking station. This diskette replaces the
diagnostic portion of existing SelectaDock I or SelectaDock II
Option Diskette. Do the following:
1. Create the SelectaDock I/II Diagnostic Diskette, using the
Diskette Factory program preinstalled on the hard disk.
2. Connect your computer to the SelectaDock I or II docking
3. Start from the SelectaDock I/II Diagnostic Diskette.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
IBM ThinkPad 600E User's Reference