Reference Code
Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items
Failing Item
Array no longer protected due to missing or failed disk unit
Perform SDIOP-PIP21.
9031, 9040
Array protection temporarily suspended
No action required. Protection will be automatically restarted.
Background array parity check detected and corrected errors
Call your next level of support to report the problem.
Required cache data cannot be located for a disk unit.
Perform SDIOP-PIP30.
IOP cache data exists for a missing or failed device.
If all configured units are missing, a 9054 reference code may appear in the
product activity log. If so, perform the action indicated for the 9054
reference code.
Otherwise, perform SDIOP-PIP27.
Cache data exists for device that has been modified.
Contact your next level of support.
IOP resources not available due to previous problems.
Take action on other IOP reference codes which have surfaced.
If you cannot get to SST or DST, and cannot perform a type A or B IPL,
perform a type D IPL from removable media. Look for Product Activity
Log entries for other IOP reference codes and take action on them.
IOP resources not available due to previous problems.
Power off the system and remove all new or replacement disk units. IPL
the system to DST. If you cannot perform a type A or B IPL, perform a
type D IPL from removable media.
Look for Product Activity Log entries for other IOP reference codes and
take action on them.
I/O processor card detected device error
I/O processor card detected device error
Perform SDIOP-PIP16.
Disk unit has been modified after the last known status.
Re-IPL the system. If any reference codes are surfaced, go to RCT and use
the new reference code as the entry point to the problem.
If you cannot resolve the problem, contact your next level of support.
Incorrect hardware configuration change has been detected.
Re-IPL the system. If any reference codes are surfaced, go to RCT and use
the new reference code as the entry point to the problem.
If you cannot resolve the problem, contact your next level of support.
2748, 2757, 2763, 2778, 2782, 5703
iSeries: iSeries 270, 800, 810, 820, 825, 830, 840, 870, 890, SB2, and SB3 Analyze Hardware Problems (System Reference