System Reference Codes
This topic uses a System reference code on the problem summary form to:
Find a list of possible failing items.
Point to additional isolation procedures (if available).
System reference codes (SRCs) can appear on the control panel, the product
activity log (PAL), the Main Storage Dump Manager display, or on various
displays within DST or SST.
Were you directed here from another procedure, including the Starting point for
all problems?
: Go to the Starting point for all problems.
: Determine which SRC table to use.
For SRCs appearing on the control panel, the first 4 characters represent the
SRC type and the second 4 characters represent the URC. For SRCs
appearing in the Product Activity Log or on other software displays, use
characters 1 through 4 of word 1 for the SRC type and characters 5 through 8
of word 1 for the URC.
The SRC table name is the same as the SRC type. For SRCs appearing on the
control panel, the SRC type is the first 4 characters (see Figure 1 on page 2 for
control panel layout). For SRCs appearing in the Product Activity Log or on
other software displays, use characters 1 through 4 of word 1 for the SRC
type. The reference code tables only support 8-character SRC formats. If the
SRC provided is in a 4 character format, contact your next level of support
for assistance.
You will also need to know what the unit reference code (URC) is. For SRCs
appearing on the control panel, the URC is the second 4 characters of the
SRC (see Figure 1 on page 2 for control panel layout). For SRCs appearing in
the Product Activity Log or on other software displays, use characters 5
through 8 of word 1 for the URC. The URCs are listed within the SRC tables,
arranged in hexadecimal sequence with numeric characters listed before
alphabetic characters. For example, URCs 0001 through 0009 are listed before
URCs 000A through 000F.
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