Notes:
v
For
1xxx-8711,
check
that
the
bulk
power
regulator
is
switched
on
before
replacing
any
parts.
v
When
converter
assembly
cable
of
1xxC-
xx15,
xx25,
xx35,
xx45,
xx55,
xx65,
and
motor
drive
assembly
cable
of
1xxC-
xx75,
xx85,
xx95,
xxA5
occur:
–
Both
the
A-side
and
the
B-side
cables
of
the
unit
called
out
may
be
failing.
–
Replace
the
cables
for
that
unit
until
the
error
is
corrected.
That
is,
if
the
error
is
corrected
after
replacing
the
first
selected
cable,
then
this
ends
the
procedure.
Otherwise,
continue
to
the
second
cable.
Table
1.
Power
cables
—
Index,
units,
and
description
Important:
Always
ensure
that
both
cables
for
the
unit
that
you
are
replacing
are
connected
correctly
before
attempting
concurrent
maintenance.
iSeries:
iSeries
Server
270,
800,
810,
820,
825,
830,
840,
870,
890,
SB2,
and
Hardware
Problem
Analysis
and
Isolation