Power 775 D-Link Service Procedure
PN: 41U8487, EC N44172
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This procedure requires removal of all of the D-Link connectors in a grouper, which may include up to 8 D-
Link connectors at a time. Connectivity between supernodes is preserved by indirect links. However,
depending on network traffic patterns,
D-Link connector removal may have significant impact on system-
level performance
D-Link Weight
The Field Replaceable Unit is a single D-Link Cable. Each D-Link cable weighs 0.15 kg (0.33 lb) per 10
meters of length. The weight of each D-Cable Assembly Bundle is dependent on the number of cables in the
bundle and the length of each cable.
Required SSRs and Roles
This service procedure contains steps to be performed by a system administrator and an IBM Systems Services
Representative (SSR). The system administrator tasks and SSR tasks are separately called out in the
Estimated Service Time
Removal of a D-Link cable requires from 1 to 15 minutes, depending on cable length and on whether or not it
is included in a cable bundle assembly. Installation of a D-Link cable requires from 1 to 20 minutes,
depending on the length and complexity of the routing path.
P7IH Hand Tool Kit Required Tools
Installation of optical connectors requires a cleaning tool (IBM PN: 74Y0685, FIBER OPTICAL CLEANING
TOOL), to clean the front surface of the optical connectors before connecting.
Testing of D-Ports requires the D-Link Wrap Plug (IBM PN: 74Y0792, WRAP PLUG, 24 POS STRAIGHT,
WITH SLEEVE, WITH BACK), to wrap a D-Port transmitter back to its own receiver. Testing of both end-
ports of a link will be faster if 2 wrap plugs are used.
Optionally, a bright flashlight (6-LED or 9-LED or equivalent) may be useful to inspect adapter ports for
debris or contamination. Also, optionally, a 5x eye loupe-style magnifier is useful for inspecting the OBE
connector front surfaces for dust contamination. For eye safety, this is absolutely not to be used for inspecting
the adapter ports in the CEC drawers while the system is turned on – the system’s laser transmitters are rated
Class 1M, Eye safe *without* magnifying optics.
Prerequisites for this Procedure
In order to perform this procedure, you will need the following information:
For each end of the faulty D-Link
The frame number and frame serial number of the frame connected to the faulty D-Link Cable
The cage location
The location code of the D-Link port (Note the CEC serial#)
The HUB and link id (from the customer running the lsnwlinkinfo command).