background image










Setting the switch password

Your switch ships with the default password: 


. Change the password of your switch and keep the new 

password in a secure location for reference. Write your password here if needed:


1. Enter your password in the 

Set Parameters 

screen and follow the onscreen prompts.

2. Enter a new name for the switch at this time, if desired. Accept the displayed date and time and click 



Configuring the zones and performing device 

1. Select 

Typical Zoning 

on the 

Zone Configuration 

screen and click 



Typical Zoning is the default zone configuration. See the 

EZSwitchSetup Administrator’s Guide 

for more 

information on zone configuration.
2. Enter the number and types of devices that you are connecting to the switch on the 

Device Selection 


EZSwitchSetup uses these values to automatically configure the ports on your switch for the devices that you 
are connecting.

Connecting devices


Connect Devices 

screen displays a graphical representation of the switch with the device connections 

based on the information that you entered when you configured zones and performed device selection. The 

Connect Devices 

screen will show all physical connections as missing until you connect the devices that you 


1. Install the SFP transceivers in the Fibre Channel ports on the switch to match the ports shown onscreen.

a. Remove any protector plugs from the SFP transceivers 

you are going to use, and position and insert each SFP 
transceiver as required (right side up in the top row of 
ports and upside down in the bottom row of ports). 
Push the SFP until it is firmly seated.

b. Close the latching bale. Repeat for the other ports.

2. Connect Fibre Channel cables from the switch (shown below) to your host and storage devices (not shown). 

Make the physical connections to match the connections on the 

Device Connection 


a. Remove plastic protector caps from the Fibre Channel cable 

ends (if there are any), and position the cable connector so 
that it is oriented correctly.

b. Insert the cable connector into the SFP until it is firmly seated 

and the latching mechanism clicks.

c. The 

Device Connection 

screen shows missing, valid, and 

invalid connections as you cable the switch. Note that it can 
take up to 15 seconds for the connection to display as a valid 
connection. Verify that the connections are all green and click 



3. The 




will display this message: “Congratulations—you’ve successfully completed the setup!”

4. Click 


to exit setup.

You are now ready to configure the storage component of the SAN using the documentation that came
with the storage server(s).

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© 2017 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



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