For Windows 95 and Windows NT
When you start Windows, the ThinkPad modem automatically starts
and will be ready for use.
For OS/2
To start the ThinkPad modem from OS/2, do the following:
Open the Communications for OS/2 folder.
Double-click on the Modem icon.
Start your communication program.
Note: Under the OS/2 environment, available transfer rates of the ThinkPad
modem are up to 33.6 Kbps.
Using the 56-Kbps Modem
To take advantage of your modem's 56-Kbps x2** technology, you
must first make sure that your internet service provider (ISP)
supports a 56-Kbps modem protocol. You need to contact your ISP
and determine which 56 Kbps modem protocol they use.
Your modem and your ISP must support the same 56-Kbps protocol,
or your maximum connection speed will be limited to V.34
The higher speeds (up to 56 kbps) at which this modem is capable
of operating depend on a specific network implementation, which is
only one of many ways of delivering high-quality voice telephony to
customers. Failure of the modem to operate at a high speed should
Chapter 2. Supplementary Information