3) Add a MSG instruction to
the program.
a) If not already visible,
double-click “LAD2”
under Project…Program
Files in the controller
organizer view to bring
up the ladder logic
b) Right click on the default
rung number on the left-
hand side of the LAD2
window and select
“Insert Rung”.
c) Right click on the rung
number of the new
editable rung and select
“Append Instruction”.
d) Select the “MSG”
instruction from the “Input/Output” classification, then click OK. Refer to
Figure 86.
4) Add an XIO element to the program.
a) Right click on the rung number of the rung currently being edited and
select “Append Instruction” again.
b) Select the “XIO” instruction from the “Bit” classification, then click OK.
Refer to Figure 87.
Figure 86: MSG Instruction Selection
Figure 85: Creating a Data File