background image

Assemble Accordingly

Locate, inspect and identify all components supplied with your new protein 
skimmer. Please refer to the parts and assembly diagram.

6 - 9in

Suggested Water Height

Install in Sump

Carefully install the skimmer in your sump at the suggested water depth. 
The optional mounting bracket can be used to suspend the the skimmer 
along side of sump. With the output valve completely open, plug the 
skimmer pump power plug into electrical socket.

Parts & 



Operating Your Skimmer

To tune the skimmer to your aquarium, simply close the output valve by 
turning it counter clockwise until you retain pea size bubbles at the point 
where the collection cup mounts to the skimmer body. Allow the skimmer 
to acclimate to the new setting for 24hrs or more before making any further 
adjustments. The more closed the output valve becomes the wetter the 
collection will become.


Do not attempt 

dialing in a protein skimmer 
any  sooner  than  2  weeks. 
The wetter the collection 
(more closed the valve is) 
the greater chance for the 
skimmer to overflow.




Larger Bubbles



1: Screw(1pcs)

3: Top Cover

4: Collection Cup

2: Silencer

5: O-ring

8: Skimmer Body

13: Skimmer Base

9: Adjusting Valve

6: Adjusting Pipe

17: Air Intake Device

14: Output Adapter

7: Screw(1pcs)

16: Air Hose

15: DCAir-700 Pump

11: Screw(2pcs)

12: Screw(4pcs)

18: Optional 

Mounting Bracket
