Destination port names follow [
Device Port
] names which are identified by surrounding brackets. For
indicates the [
Device Port
Jack 1
], and the MIDI port labelled
“DIN”. The MIDI port label “DIN” is for identification relative to other MIDI port labels on the same
Device port. The MIDI port labelled “DIN” on [
Jack 1
] has no direct connection to the physical DIN
port on the AUDIO4c, unless it is explicitly routed by selecting [
] as the Source and [
Filter & Remap
Each MIDI port can be remapped or filtered based on channel or data types (ie Note, Control
Change, Pitch Bend, etc). Like the [
MIDI Routing
] page, you must first select an [
] port for the
Filter and Remap options to populate in the field the the left. Note that [
] is also selectable to
the right of input to filter or remap MIDI data at the Output port.
Feast your eyes on
for help with the Filter & Remap section of iConnectivity devices.
Selects whether to modify the input going to or the output coming from each port.
Disable MIDI data type per port and channel channel by selecting the appropriate port on the left
column, and by clicking the clickable square at the intersection of the desired MIDI channel (column)
and data type (row).
To filter all channels of a MIDI data type (for example, all Note On/Off messages) you may select the
clickable square in the column marked [
] to the far right of the grid of clickable squares.
Change the path of MIDI information per port and channel channel by selecting the appropriate port
on the left column, andc by clicking the clickable square at the intersection of the desired MIDI
channel (column) and data type (row).
Clear All
Clear the current configuration.
AUDIO4c User Guide v2021-0002
Page 22