GW-7553-B / GW-7553-M PROFIBUS/Modbus TCP Gateway User Manual
(Version 1.35, May/2017)
PAGE: 45
When this byte isn‟t „0‟ and the user change data output command(byte
0), it will trigger single data output command of the output module and
this byte represent module address of the output module (ex: “byte 2”=3,
it represent that the user want to trigger data output command of the
third module )
4.7 Establish connection with GW-7553-B / GW-7553-M
Before establishing a connection between the DP-Master and the GW-7553-B /
GW-7553-M, user should execute the following steps first.
Figure 33 Establish connection with GW-7553-B / GW-7553-M
First, users must load the electronic device description file (GSD file) of the GW-