ICP DAS WISE User Manual
Figure 9-27
CGI Command
Setting page
In the CGI Command Setting Page, you can input the name of the
CGI Command in the “Nickname” field and you could also input
the description of this CGI Command in the “Description” field.
Enter the content of the CGI Command in the “CGI Command”
field. In addition, it provides encoded strings for users to add
current I/O channel value or Internal Register value into the CGI
Command content. To make it easy to add the encoded string,
WISE provides “Real-time variable editor” for operation. Please
refer to “
” for more detailed
information of the “Real-time variable editor”.
In the “URL encoding” field, if user want to use the URL encoding
for the transmission of CGI commands, please click “Enable” to
enable this function.
Pleaes Note: For the CGI command sending
to iKAN, please be sure to enable this function.
To verify if the setting of the CGI Server and the CGI Command is
correct or not, please click “Testing” in the “Connection Testing”
field, then WISE will send the CGI Command the user entered to
the remote CGI Server for testing.
If the CGI Command send by WISE will trigger the CGI Server to
send back a reply to WISE, users can select the “Enable” checkbox