ICP DAS WISE User Manual
Figure 6-9
Set up the Scanning Range for the I-7000/DL modules
When the system is performing the scan, the address that are
performing scan will be dynamically shown on the upper left side,
please wait till the scan operation is completed. To stop the scan
operation, click on “Cancel” to terminal the scan and leave the page.
Figure 6-10
Scanning the I-7000/DL modules
After the Scan operation is completed, an I-7000/DL DCON module
list will appear. If the newly scanned module doesn‟t match the
module previously set on the same address, a window will appear
(Figure 6-12), please select the actual device that are connected to
WISE. After all settings are completed, click “Save” button to save
the changes.
Figure 6-11
I-7000/DL module List after Scan operation