Allocation of functions of the zero key PN54
By pushing of the zero key functions like e.g. TARA and HOLD can be actuated or a offset
shift can be preset. By allocation of TARA the key needs to be pushed for at least 1 second.
The device confirms the function by showing „0000“ in the display. With activated offset
shift, the value in PN5 will be added to the initial value directly by pushing the key. A
display hold can only be actuated for approx. 20 seconds. By pushing the zero key again
one turns back into the current measurement directly.
During HOLD phase the display flashes.
Display flashing PN59
By activating the display flashing, various alarm states can be optically reinforced. The
trigger for the display flashing can be freely assigned to the setpoint outputs.
Switching points PN60 to PN75
The behaviour of the switching points can be influenced via various program numbers. The
data refer to the scaled measurement and are updated with the set measuring time.
A description of the various parameters is given in
Section 5.6 Relay
Linearisation PN100 to PN110
Through linearisation, the user has the possibility to linearise a non-linear sensor signal.
A detailed description can be found in the chapter on Sensor linearisation. Under PN100,
the desired number of additional set points can be released. Only after changing the
number are they accessible via the configuration PN101 to max. PN110. If PN100 = 0, then
no PN101 will be displayed. To monitor the desired linearisation, all the set points should
first be parameterised, otherwise there may be deviations from the desired value in the
Serial number PN200
Under PN200 the 4-digit serial number can be called up that allows allocation to the
production process and the manufacturing procedure. This parameter can only be viewed.