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Three types of advisories are used throughout the manual to stress important points or warn of potential
hazards to the user or the system. They are the Note, the Caution, and the Warning. Following is an
example of each type of advisory:
The note is used to present special instruction, or to provide extra information which may
help to simplify the use of the product.
A Caution is used to alert you to a situation which if ignored may cause injury or
damage equipment.
A Warning is used to alert you of a situation which if ignored will cause serious
Cautions and Warnings are accented with triangular symbols. The exclamation symbol is used in all cau-
tions and warnings to help alert you to the important instructions. The lightning flash symbol is used on the
left hand side of a caution or a warning if the advisory relates to the presence of voltage which may be of
sufficient magnitude to cause electrical shock.
Use caution when servicing any electrical component. We have tried to identify the areas which may pose
a Caution or Warning condition in this manual; however, Industrial Computer Source does not claim to
have covered all situations which might require the use of a Caution or Warning.
You must refer to the documentation for any component you install into a computer system to insure proper
precautions and procedures are followed.