Antenna Connection
The Protege DIN Rail Cellular Modem requires connection of a suitable 4G antenna.
An antenna is supplied with the cellular modem. While other antennas may be compatible only the supplied
antenna is supported, and is recommended to ensure optimum performance.
Connect the antenna cable to the screw coupling of the cellular modem's SMA coaxial connector.
SMA Antenna Connection
The supplied antenna has a magnetic base for mounting, and should be positioned in an area covered by the
LTE signal with Cat-M1 support.
The antenna
must not
be installed inside any metal enclosure or behind any metal barriers.
A SIM is required from a validated cellular network provider in the region where the Protege DIN Rail Cellular
Modem is installed. For a list of validated network providers for each region, please contact ICT Technical Support.
Only validated cellular networks are supported. Others may not work correctly and will not be supported by ICT.
Insert the SIM securely and fully into the cellular modem's Micro-SIM card slot, with the metal contact facing down
and the notched corner inwards.
Never insert or remove the SIM while the modem is powered up.
PRT-4G-USB | Protege DIN Rail Cellular Modem | Installation Manual