Warnings and Safety Notes
Thanks for purchasing F210 quadcopter.Please regularly visit F210 web
page at www.ide-y.com which is updated regularly. product information,
technical updates and manual corrections will be available on this web page.
Due to unforeseen changes or product upgrades, the informationcontained
in the manual is subject to change without notice.
Read this disclaimer carefully before using this product. By using this
product ,you here by agree to this disclaimer and signify that you have ready
them fully. please strictly follow the manual to assemble and use the product.
The manufacturer and seller assume no liability for any resulting damage or
injury arising from the operation or use of this product.
F210 Racing Quadcopter User man
This product is a multi-rotor aircraft which will provide a very good ight
experiencewith the good condition of the power system and all the parts in
good condition. Please contact customer service for the latest instructions
and warnings. Idea-Fly will reserve the rights to update this disclaimer.
General Safety
The quadcopter can be extremely dangerous and cause bodily injury.
Exercise the utmost caution when ying and operating it. It can be dangerous
if you do not y it in a safe manner or do not pay close attention while ying it.
You alone are responsible for its actions during ight.
Before flight, always do a quick motor test to verify that all four
propellers are spinning the correct directions. If you’re not careful,
it’s possible to accidently install the outrigger arms and/or propellers
incorrectly, which can result in the quadcopter not flying correctly and
possibly crashing.
The propellers must be removed from the motors whenever you update the autopilot’s
firmware or whenever there’s any question about safely operating the quadcopter.
Do not attempt to fly the quadcopter if one or more of the propellers are damaged. Flying with
damaged propellers is not safe and can make the quadcopter fly uncontrollably.
Always make sure the propellers are installed correctly and that the propeller hub washers
and mounting screws are secured tightly. Never install the propellers without also installing
the propeller hub washers!