If the craft is beyond 20 meters away from home position and below 20 meters
altitude, the aircraft will ascend to 20 meters before initiating RTH when it enters RTL
If its height is more than 20 meters, the aircraft will maintain altitude during RTH.
If the distance from home position is during 20 meters, the aircraft will maintain its
previous altitude during RTH.
Safety: Since RTH is fully autonomous and you cannot alter the flight path during
RTH, to avoid accidents, it is not advisable to activate RTH too close to you or spectators.
Also note to avoid sudden loss in altitude, the THR stick should be above its mid-point
when you change the mode back from RTH to Stabilized Mode.
Switch SWB to position3 from position2 to quit RTH mode.
Mode1, Mode2, Mode 3 are for 3 position switch.
Notice: you can assign any modes as you like.
But please keep manual mode for position-1, When loose GPS signal during the flight, you can
re-gain control of multi-rotor.