DMI-F-04_Annexe 3_Notice 1.0 RAJOUTER CODE ERREUR
5. Control device connection
Charging plug
Spread actuator(M2) (Optional) Lifting
Fig. 9. Port diagram of the electrical box controller.
The device has 4 ports (Fig. 9), from left to right: Handset, lifting actuator (Ml), Spread actuator (Optional), Charging plug.
Installation: Insert 4 cables into four different ports one after the other, respectively.
6. Base width adiustment
Fig. 10. Scheme width adjustment of the base.
The width of the lift base is manually adjusted with a foot pedal. Press the left pedal to extend the base. Press the right
pedal to make the base narrower. It is possible to manually lock the base width adjustment by turning the red sleeve (Fig.
10) counter clockwise.
Warning! Locking the wheel during hoist movement will increase the risk of falling down the hoist.
7. Rear wheel opening and braking
Fig. 11. Rear attachment with rear lifting brake
The rear wheels can be locked to prevent movement. Lock or unlock the rear wheels with your feet. Use your foot to control
the brake position. Press the longitudinal plastic element with the foot to block the wheel (Fig. IOA), then press the shorter
plastic element to resume movement (Fig. 10B).
WARNING! Locking the rear wheels of the jack increases the risk of the machine tipping over when lifting and lowering.
Always keep the support perpendicular to the patient's center Of gravity when working.
Charging (power supply)
When the battery has only one line left, the control box emits 4 beeps and remind you to immediately charge. The engine
will not run without charging.