Product specifications, parameters, functions of the device can change without notice!
IDENTIVISION Megapixel camera installation guide
First the NTP server will be installed on the PC or use a public NTP server.
Server Ip:
write the server IP address.
default: 123
Time zone: London GMT+0, Berlin GMT +1, Cairo GMT +2, Moscow GMT +3, New Delhi GMT +5,
Bangkok GMT +7, Hongkong Beijing GMT +8, Tokyo GMT +9, Sydney GMT +10, Hawaii GMT-10,
Alaska GMT-9, Pacific time GMT-8, American mountain time GMT-7, American mid time GMT-6,
American eastern time GMT-5, Atlantic time GMT-4, Brazil GMT-3, Atlantic mid time GMT-2.
Refresh time:
default: 10 Min.
26. picture
NTP settings
[EMAIL settings]
When an alarm is triggered, the recorder can send an email with the alarm informations.
27. picture
Email settings
SMTP server:
email account provider SMTP server address (IP or DNS address)
email account port number
secured socker layer protocoll activation
User name:
email user name
email password
write a sender name