10.Attach the RJ45 connectorcoming fromthe ViVOpay Kiosk II Antenna to the RJ45
receptacle onthe 220-2457-00cable.
Flush- Mounting the Square Bezel Antenna
The RF fieldof the antenna is sensitiveto the proximity of metal.Ifyou are flush-
mounting theantenna in a metal surfaceor bezel, you have three options:
Mount with the RF emittingsurface of the antenna at least 1 cm forward of any
Mount with the RF emittingsurface of the antenna at least 1 cm behind any
metal. This will reduce theeffective range of the antenna.
Mount flushwith the metal but allow aminimum of 1cm spacing between the
antenna and the metal.
In all cases, test the antenna mounting before engaging in a full scale installation.
MountingtheViVOpayKioskII Controller
The ViVOpay Kiosk II Controller must be mounted within 1meter of the antenna. If the
antenna is mounted on a surface that opens (such asa door), make sure the controller and
antenna areclose enough that there is no tension on the cable when the enclosure is open.
If it is acceptable, the installer can drill four holes for mounting thecontroller if screw
heads can appear on the outside of thekiosk.In thiscase, it wouldbe advisableto use
security screws to preventtampering with the screws.
If drilling additional holes on the outside ofthe kiosk surface is notacceptable, the
installer can use double-sided tape to mountthe controller to any clean surface.
Mounting the ViVOpayKiosk II Controller Using Screws
1. Position theViVOpay Kiosk II controller on the interior of the kiosk making sure that
there issufficient room for the antenna mountingsurface to be fully opened.