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SL93x + TBV327-MT-EN
p. 11/39
3.3. Fixing the equipment to the floor
1. Remove the 2 covers by removing the screws (50, p 25).
2. Unscrew the base (1, p 6) from the main chassis and secure it to the floor with the 3 expanding bolts
supplied (Liebig B15/30 (A)). First drill 3 x 15 mm diameter holes to a depth of 85 mm.
: It is essential to adapt the fastening hardware and the installation procedure to the
environment and the nature of the floor on which the gate will be positioned.
Installation must be validated by certified civil engineers.
The gate must be fastened to the floor before it is made available to the users!
Automatic Systems
cannot be held responsible for any accident or damage to the gate due to the
fact that the gate was not adequately fastened to the floor.
3. Position the main chassis (2, p 6) over the base (1), with the sticker COTE DU PASSAGE
(=Passageway side) aligned as shown below, so that the control board (10, p 6) remains
4. Fit the obstacle(s) to the rotor (see ch.5.9. ).
5. Adjust the vertical alignment of the main chassis with the 3 bolts (B).
6. Tighten the 3 locknuts (C) to secure the main chassis to the base (tightening torque: 43 Nm).
7. Cut the cable tie securing the locking mechanism (7, p 6).