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SL93x + TBV327-MT-EN
p. 13/39
3.5. Commissioning
1. Adjust the obstacle opening angle in the clockwise and anti-clockwise directions by adjusting the
mechanical stops (ch.5.7. ).
2. Switch ON the equipment.
The obstacle will move, seeking its starting point (closed position), then it locks.
3. Start the C
menu (
: the obstacles must be fitted):
Press the Menu button,
Press the > button until C
is displayed,
Press OK to start the procedure
The equipment seeks the mechanical stops in both directions at slow speed and accelerates.
4. Check the locking by pushing the obstacle.
5. Give a clockwise opening command.
6. Give a counter-clockwise opening command.
7. Trigger a FIRE command (open the Fire contact on the power board, see electric diagrams) and
check if the obstacle opens (the opening direction is adjustable, cf. ch.5.10. ).
8. Turn off the power and check that the obstacle unlocks.
9. Replace the covers.