The info rmation contained in this d ocu ment is the p roperty of Auto matic
Syste ms and is co nfidentia l. The re cipient shall refrain fro m using it fo r a ny
purpose other than the use of the pro ducts or the execu tion of the pro ject to
which it refers and fro m co mmunicating it to third partie s without written p rio r
agree ment of Auto matic Syste ms. Do cu ment sub ject to change without notice.
3.2 Check List
Before you start the unit, read through and check the following items.
Ensure that the equipment is correctly grounded
ground bolt in the main 120V connection box
located at the bottom of the housing, inside the unit, location MR.
Check all other grounds, including the motor interconnect and all green door leads
Check the condition of the fuses (circuit breakers) in the electrical distribution boxes.
Double check all electrical connections. Make certain they are made in accordance with the
installation instructions.
Turn on the circuit breaker for the frequency inverter (Figure 11).
Turn on the main circuit breaker, also located behind the master front door (Figure 11)
Upon power-up, the initialization sequence begins by opening the obstacles, which normally close
soon thereafter.
The operating sequence of the PNG has been factory set. If you want to modify the sequence,
contact our technical-support department.
3.3 Troubleshooting
1. One of the first steps to troubleshoot newly installed units is to double check each piece of wire and its
termination. Miswires are a very common cause of startup trouble. Also check that all plugs, circuit cards, and
jacks are firmly seated in their respective sockets.
2. If the slave motor rotates in the wrong direction, turn off the main circuit breaker (Figure 11) and check the
connections of the slave motor (should be color on color). Rearm the overload protection of the circuit breaker
at the end of the procedure.
3. If the PNG doors won’t close, with or without audio alarm, and there a Red X showed on both A and B sides,
check the photocell alignment. All photocell receivers (in the master unit) should have a solid yellow light. A
red light or the absence of any light indicates a misaligned cell. A flashing light indicates a crossed beam,
where two or more transmitting cells or reflection beams are received on one photocell.
4. If the PNG door won’t close, there is no audio alarm, and a green arrow shows on both A and B sides, check
the wiring for emergency opening. These symptoms may indicate that the PNG is in emergency open mode.
5. If the doors doesn’t open and close freely and in unison, check the leveling of the PNG. Review the section on
leveling and check if the unit is tilted.
6. If there is binding or noise as the doors open or close, check for sagging or bowed units. Use a bullet level to
check various points on the top surface for these conditions.