Quick Start Guide - iesy RPX30 EVA-MI
To download the latest firmware and BSP visit the iesy GitHub Repositories.
For the iesy RPX30 EVA-MI the boot configuration and selection is done with a single DIP Switch
SH1 (BOOT_SEL0). microSD (ON) and e-MMC (OFF) can be selected.
Documentation on how to setup the boot device can be found within the Wiki pages of the meta-
iesy-osm Repository.
Note that the function of BOOT_SEL1 is not used for this Eval Kit.
Use TA2 to reset the module and all carrier peripherals. After releasing the reset button the boot
device selection is resampled.
Button TA3 (PWR_BTN) directly controls the power on of the module. A long press on TA3 will shut
down the system and all internal power supply. After a short press the system will restart.
There are two modes of recovery:
(1) If there is no valid boot information found on e-MMC or microSD the PX30 will run into
Maskrom-Mode. With the Rockchip Firmware Upgrade Tool a boot image can be written to the
boot device over USB OTG. The button RECOVERY# is not needed in this case.
(2) Pressing the button TA1 (RECOVERY#) during power on or Reset release the PX30 runs into
Rockusb-Mode even when a bootable image is found on the selected boot device.
Details for valid commands of the Rockchip Firmware Upgrade Tool can be found on the Wiki
pages of the meta-iesy-osm Repository.
iesy Repository on GitHub
> Schematic for Module and Carrier, Assembly Prints
> Pin-Muxing and contact descriptions
Specification and User-Manuals
> Code for iesy Yocto Linux (BSP)
> Documentation and Demo Images