Device manual AS-i M4 Gateway Profibus DPV1 (AC1375, AC1376)
Further functions for Profibus DPV1
AS-i diagnosis via Profibus DP
Digital outputs
The AS-i master control information in the first byte of the digital output data of the single/A slaves
controls the stored diagnostic information:
Byte 0
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
reset of the stored
diagnostic data
activate transfer of the
stored diagnostic data
If the bits 4 and 5 of the control information (byte 37) are set to 0 (default), the extended diagnosis
contains the current system states. If short-time faults are to be detected, the device can be prompted
via bit 4 to store the error states. This storage is reset by bit 5 or by switching off the device.
This means if bit 4 is set and a configuration error occurs with a slave, the corresponding bit in the
extended device diagnosis remains set even if the slave is correctly detected again.
If the parameter "Extended Profibus Diag." is set to "Disabled" (byte 37 bit 5 = FALSE), the device
transmits no extended device-specific diagnostic data. The device only transmits the standard
diagnostic data which each Profibus DP slave must at least supply (the first 6 bytes).
example in the chapter Definition in the GSD file (
In some plants jitters (
chapter Terms and abbreviations) which occur for example for diagnostic
calls are not allowed in the Profibus DP cycle time. In these cases it is better to make the plant
diagnosis via I/O data even if this extends the DP cycle time.