Ethernet camera O2M113
Subnet mask: 255 .255 .255 .0
Gateway IP address: 192 .168 .82 .15
Speed and duplex: automatically (auto negotiation)
The settings of the LAN connection and the configuration of the network adapter
can be found at: Start → Control → Network Connections → LAN connection.
Establish an Ethernet connection between the camera and the PC / notebook .
Connect the camera to supply voltage .
Do not interrupt the supply voltage during IP address allocation!
Avoid voltage fluctuations during IP address allocation!
Open the internet browser .
Enter the preset IP address of the camera in the address line of the browser
and confirm with [Enter] (http://192 .168 .82 .15/) .
> In the browser appears the "O2M1xxx WebConfig" start window .
Click on [Change IP address]
http://192 .168 .82 .15/
Start window "O2M1xx WebConfig"