iGage Mapping Corporation
1545 South 1100 East STE 1
Salt Lake City UT 84015
+1 801 412-0011
f +1-801-412-0022
Long Range Bluetooth
In SurvCE you can choose ‘standard or long range’ Bluetooth:
‘Windows Mobile’ is the standard Bluetooth. If you ‘Find Device’ with ‘Long Range’, then you must
connect with ‘Long Range’. If you ‘Find Device’ with ‘Windows Mobile’, then you must connect with
‘Windows Mobile’. To change the radio in use it is best to Delete Device every known device and
then refind.
External GPS Antenna Connector
The correct antenna mating connector is:
LEMO Circular Push-Pull Connector
They are available from Mouser Electronics.
Connecting to Wi-Fi
From the main menu, click on the wireless
manager icon:
(or Start: Settings:
Connections: Wireless Manager. Make sure that
Wi-Fi is enabled:
Click on Menu: Wi-Fi Settings,