iG8 User Manual
‘sCMR’ and ‘sCMRx’ are equivalent
Note: The iG8 ‘sCMR’ protocol is NOT compatible
with the Trimble ‘CMRx’.
(2) Set the Device to ‘Internal UHF’.
(3) Click the Settings (hammer/wrench) button to
the right of Device. Wait a moment while the data
collector retrieves the current radio configuration
from the Base:
The internal radio configuration is shown:
iG8 pairs work great with the Base radio settings
shown above.
The Base and the Rover MUST have matching
Protocol, Channel, Over the Air Baud, Forward Error
Correction and Scrambling (if available.)
The ‘Satel’ Protocol has excellent range and low
overhead. Other protocols may be required when
operating with other brands of equipment.
Choose the lowest Power that allows you to move
around the job without a loss of radio corrections.
Select ‘1 Watt’ for maximum range. NOTE: 1 Watt is
the highest power.
You can use a handheld UHF radio to check the
selected Channel / frequency for other users (Voice
or Data.) It is best to use frequencies with no other
You must have a FCC license to transmit on the
selected frequency.
Always set the ‘Sensitivity’ to ‘Low’ on the Base, this
reduces the suppression of base transmissions when
someone else is using the same frequency. [Always
set ‘Sensitivity’ to ‘High’ on the Rover.]
For operation in the United States the ‘Channel
Spacing’ must be 12.5 kHz (unless you have a special
FCC License.)
Click on the green check mark to return to the RTK
Back at the ‘GPS Base’ screen, click on the green-
check mark:
The Base Configuration screen is shown:
In this example, we will read an autonomous
position from the GNSS receiver by clicking the
‘Read from GPS’ button.