iG8 User Manual
Mission Planning
Often when working under canopy (urban or forest) the time of day when the worst RTK operation can be easily
predicted using ‘Online Mission Planning’.
If you perform Mission Planning prior to your field work it is called ‘Mission Planning’, if you perform it after your
field work fails it is called ‘Mission Post Mortem’.
There are many web and computer based mission planning tools. For this example
First configure the settings: pay attention to the ‘Time Zone’ and approximate job height. Set the ‘Elevation Cutoff’ to a
high value like 25 degrees to simulate heavy canopy. Check GPS, GLONASS and Galileo leaving BeiDou unchecked (as it
probably will have minimal contribution.) Click ‘Apply’.
Click on ‘Charts’ and roll down to the PDOP chart:
GDOPs higher than 3 will present difficult operation, GDOPS higher than 5 may not fix under canopy. However, as you
can see above waiting 20 minutes might make a huge difference.