Draco tera
The selection boxes in the
Real CPU
column contain a filter function for
an easy selection of a single CPU from a larger pool of CPUs (see
Chapter 5.2.2, Page 62).
The Java tool offers the option to switch directly from the
menu to the
menu to check specific settings for the respective
console or CPU.
Use the right mouse button to select the respective console or CPU
and select
Open CON Device
Open CPU Device
Pos: 59 /806-IHSE/Konfiguration/480_Zuordnung/480-xx/Virtuelle Konsole @ 7\mod_1309937842805_6.doc @ 52994 @ 3 @ 1
5.3.2 Virtual Console
You can assign real consoles to virtual consoles in this menu.
This function reflects changes in permission made to virtual consoles onto
real consoles.
Virtual consoles can be switched in the same way as real consoles. Real
consoles that are assigned to a virtual console that is connected to a CPU
will receive the video signal. The last-assigned console will also have
control of the keyboard and mouse.
You have the following options to access the menu: