For adjusting video parameters of the DAVX, you have to direct the remote control to the current
remote device. This is always the device where the monitor is attached, which parameters shall
be modified. So you can follow the changings at the remote side.
Also the selection of the input signal Composite or S-Video is to be done at the remote side. If
there are two different video sources connected at both inputs simultaneously, it is possible to
use the device like a digital video switch. At the remote side Composite and S-Video are
delivered at the same time, independent of the type of connected source. The extender acts also
as an video converter from composite to S-Video and vice versa.
Changes made by remote control are immediately stored permanently in the extenders memory.
The key ‘
Factory Reset
’ at the remote control resets all DAVX settings to factory default values.
This key resets the changes for the local and the remote unit at the same time.
Select DAVX Access
’ Switches IRC in Mode ‘DAVX’
] ’
Monitor on/off
Switches the connected Monitor on / off (toggle)
Input Select
Toggles between FBAS and Y/C (SVGA) Input
factory default: FBAS
Video Mode
Toggles between PAL and NTSC Format
factory default: PAL
Factory Reset
Reset the DAVX-System to factory defaults
Color Reset
Reset of Brightness and Contrast to factory default
] ’
Contrast higher
Increase Contrast
] ’
Contrast lower
Decrease Contrast
] ’
brightness brighter
Increase Brightness
’brightness darker
Decrease Brightness
Serial Interface (V24/RS232)
No setting up or user adjustments
are required.
Serial Interface – Handling Multiple Serial Devices
The extender’s serial interface transmits/receives six signals (3 signals in each direction).
Normally four of these signals are used for hardware handshaking (in addition to TX & RX).
However, because each handshaking line can support signals up to 19,200 Baud it is possible to
configure the serial interface to handle up to three simple 2-wire (Tx/Rx only) serial links. To do
this you will need to construct a custom breakout cable. Please contact technical support for
further information.
Technical Data
serial link:
serial speed
Any up to a maximum of 19,200 Baud
Serial Data Format
Format Independent
Flow Control
RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR are sent across link
revision: January, 2004
DAVX - dig. A/V-Extender
Serial Interface (V24/RS232)