LNU sensor : Installation & programming
Installation Guide
25 ZA de Kervidanou 3
29300 MELLAC
CASE 3 :
Complex case
the presence of many echoes make difficult the calibration the easiest way.
A priority should be to move the
sensor if possible otherwise go to the expert mode.
(Only for experienced users).
Calibration of the sensor Case N°1 (Ideal)
The first case presenting only one echo, you only need to adjust the water height
or the maximal distance
between the sensor and the bottom
and relaunch a measure
Note that it is possible to define a different zero
point (zero at the level of an overflow threshold for example), very useful for stormwater overflows.
Zero of the sensor (example of ideal case)
On the right a different zero point
Once done,
the calibration has
to be validated by clicking on “Apply”
. Configuration of this are then
automatically saved in a file called “configuration” that is visible with the software even when not connected to
the sensor. Please note that the figure presenting the echo as an indicator so called of power, showing by a
yellow dot line (oblique from left to right). This one is very useful to fine tune the sensor. The echo should
ideally be upward that line. A weak echo means measurement not precise, a too high echo provides accurate
measures but use faster the energy. A temperature checking during the measure has also to be done (here 25 at
the bottom of the graph). While the measure is temperature compensated, you should calibrate a sensor when
temperature are too high and then asking it to measure on a different environment (typical case of 15°C under a