In ON or ON W/LITE power setting, the strobe will automatically
adjust the flash duration based on signals received from the
camera or trigger device. Use only with compatible systems
and accessories; refer to your housing instruction manuals for
information on TTL compatibility with this strobe.
In BATT W/LITE power setting, the video or modeling light will pulse
in the pattern of the international SOS emergency signal: 3 short
pulses, 3 long pulses, 3 short pulses.
In ON or ON W/LITE, the flash fires at full power each time.
In BATT W/LITE, the video or modeling light will be on at full
FRACTIONAL POWERS (-0.5, -1, -1.5, -2, -2.5, -3, -3.5 -4, -4.5)
In ON or ON W/LITE, the flash fires at a fractional power setting
each time. The difference between each switch positon is 1/2
f-stop. In photography, a decrease of one f-stop reduces the light in
half. Therefore, the -1 setting is equivalent to 50% flash power.
Positioning the Strobe
Use the built-in video or modeling light to make sure your strobe is
positioned in the correct location in relation to your camera frame.
Adjust the angle of the strobe as the distance between you and
your subject changes.
Firing the Strobe
Test fire your system on the surface prior to gearing up for your
dive. Make sure that the strobe fires during your photo at the
exposure level you expect.
The Ready Light LED on the side of the strobe will glow red when
the strobe is ready to fire.