B) Select to go back to the map.
C) Enter the Settings.
D) Pair with App for Device registration.
E) See your profile you are logged in with. Here, you can logout.
F) Add a new Device.
G) Add a Virtual Device.
H) Enter an ID here to filter the Devices listed in A).
I) Here, the settings for each Device can be setup.
Enter the Device Settings: Name, Comment,
Tag, Timer Mode Frequency, Sensor Settings.
Enter the Notification Settings.
Edit / add geo-fences.
Share or transfer the Device. You are able to
generate a web link to share the data of the
Device for a specified time range or share
with other h2n-track-it
registered users.
Edit and add Callback Forwards.
Show Device information: Sigfox Device
Details, Messages.
Delete the Device.
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