CrossOver® User Manual V1.4
Page 19 (31)
Dual View (DV)
This project type is intended to aid in on-site interpretation, rather than in post-processing. It is
particularly useful for identifying features/objects that are relatively linear across a survey area, e.g.
foundation walls, tree roots or utility lines.
When collecting and viewing a single GPR profile, it is difficult to judge whether a reflector is a genuine
point of interest, or simply from random debris like a stone or piece of broken rock. Consequently, it
is useful to view one, or more, parallel profiles to assist in their interpretation. This is the basis for the
DV-project, which allows the current profile being collected to be viewed alongside the previous one,
thereby making it easier to see if reflectors line up in similar positions across them. For this to work,
the start position of each profile must be aligned with the stop position of the previous profile, as
shown below in Figure 21, below.
Figure 21, Layout of Dual View-project
When the stop-button is pressed at the end of a profile, the radargram is automatically reversed, so
that the next profile start point is aligned correctly. As the new profile is collected, it’s data can be
compared with the previous line. Furthermore, the back-up cursor (red line) covers both profiles
making it even easier to see how closely reflectors align, as shown in
Figure 22
It is possible to import a DV-project into Crosspoint®. Doing so, there should be equidistant spacing
between all profiles and profiles should be parallel as required for an RL-project. On import, the end
of profile 1 constitutes an artificial reference line. If this is though of prior to the survey, an DV-project
may be used for post-processing/interpretation just as an RL-project.