CrossOver® User Manual V1.4
Page 29 (31)
Appendix D, Regulatory notices
The operation of GPR instruments is governed by various regulatory bodies and legislation depending
on geographic location as follows:
ETSI EN 302 066-1&2 Vl.2.1
FCC, Part 15.F
IC RSS-220 limits
The CrossOver®-antennas meets the legislation requirements for each of these regulatory bodies.
A common requirement of these regulations is that GPR equipment should only be used by
professionals and those who adhere to the following rules of operation:
UWB-transmitters should always be used near the ground, or the material under investigation
When not in use, the data collection should be stopped, and the unit/s switched off
The transmitters should not be directed upwards, only towards the investigation body
Additional notes for users in Canada and the US
Operation of this device is restricted to law enforcement, fire and rescue officials, scientific research
institutes, commercial mining companies and construction companies. Operation by any other party
is a violation of 47U.S.C.301 and the operator may be subject to legal penalties.
Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
Operation of this device shall only occur when in contact with or within 1 m of the ground.
GPR Use Coordination (USA)
FCC regulation requires users of GPR equipment to coordinate the use of their GPR equipment as
described below:
§15.525 Coordination requirements.
(a) UWB imaging systems require coordination through the FCC before the equipment may be
used. The operator shall comply with any constraints on equipment usage resulting from this
(b) The users of UWB imaging devices shall supply operational areas to the FCC Office of
Engineering and Technology, which shall coordinate this information with the Federal Government
through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The information provided
by the UWB operator shall include the name, address and other pertinent contact information of the
user, the desired geographical area(s) of operation, and the FCC ID number and other nomenclature of
the UWB device. If the imaging device is intended to be used for mobile applications, the geographical
area(s) of operation may be the state(s) or county(ies) in which the equipment will be operated. The
operator of an imaging system used for fixed operation shall supply a specific geographical location or
the address at which the equipment will be operated. This material shall be submitted to Frequency
Coordination Branch, OET, Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington,
D.C. 20554, Attn: UWB Coordination.