Installation Considerations
Smoke may not be emitted from a chimney unless it is from an authorised fuel or the appliance is exempt
- Wood is not an authorised fuel
- The IMSOutdoor Oven is not an exempt appliance
Free standing Outdoor Ovens, like barbecues, are excluded from this legislation but to satisfy the exclusion:
- the installation must be outdoors
- its chimney must not pass through a building (including an out-house or summer house)
Could smoke fromthe oven cause nuisance:
- to neighbours?
- by drifting across a public highway posing a danger to traffic?
Is the location sheltered from strong winds?
Is the location away from any combustible materials such as wooden fences, garden sheds, shrubs and bushes?
Is the location away from residential property to prevent smoke entering through open windows or doors?
Is the location away from main thoroughfares where children, elderly or infirm regularly pass?
The CleanAir Act allowed the establishment of Smoke Control Zones by local authorities.