C-Com Satellite Systems Inc
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iNetVu™ 5000 Controller User Manual
Revision 1.0.2
Antenna Status / DVB Signal Status
Displays any relevant information regarding the Limit Switches and Potentiometers
and/or Inclinometer.
Antenna Normal
Limit Switches are ON/OFF in the correct relation to the Elevation, Azimuth and
Polarization Angles.
Antenna Failed
Limit Switches are NOT ON/OFF in the correct relation to the Elevation, Azimuth
and Polarization Angles.
Antenna Unknown
Mobile Platform cannot be found. Ensure that the iNetVu™ Controller is
functioning and that all cables are connected should this indicator appear.
If the DVB Tuner is installed, this field will display the DVB Signal Status.
Tuner has received a positive lock status on the target signal
Tuner is not locked onto the target signal