C-COM Satellite Systems Inc.
Page 35 of 164
8 – Beacon Receiver Signal
This section represents the strength of the Beacon Receiver Signal (if used). The letter ‘
’ next to
the Beacon Signal indicates an unlocked status, whereas the letter ‘
’ next to the Beacon Signal
indicates a Locked on satellite status. EL
Displays real-time current drawn and speed settings for the elevation motor, as well as
real-time elevation angle and limits, offset, window size, and Elevation adjustment gap.
Fig. 19:
“EL” (Elevation) Display
1 – Real-Time Elevation Angle
E (Elevation)
The number value after the “E” represents the real time elevation angle.
The letter “D” will appear to indicate Down Limit has been reached on the elevation axis
The letter “U” will appear to indicate UP Limit has been reached on the elevation axis
The letter S will appear to indicate the Elevation angle has reached the stow position
(Antenna Stowed).
The inclinometer used to read the elevation angle will compensate for an incline up to +/-
15º. For example if a user is on a 10º slope and the system is searching along the
azimuth, if the elevation reading changes due to a horizontal incline, the elevation will
adjust to maintain the correct elevation angle while searching along the azimuth.
2 – Current and Speed Settings
Real-Time current of the elevation motor is to the left of the dash, and speed constant of
the elevation movement is to the right of the dash (i.e. 0-6 represents current of 0 at a set
speed of 6).
The letter “U” will appear if there is an up movement on the elevation axis.
The letter “D” will appear if there is a down movement on the elevation axis.
3 - Search Window Elevation Limit
This value represents the amount of degrees the antenna will point above and below the calculated
target elevation coordinate when searching for satellite. (S: 5 – implies elevation search window is
E0.0 D U S I/S: 0-6 U D
S: 5 AD: 3 C:32 O: 31