XC2200 Derivatives
System Units (Vol. 1 of 2)
User’s Manual
V2.1, 2008-08
Intro, V1.1
About this Manual
This manual describes the functionality of a number of microcontroller types of the
Infineon XC2000 Family, the XC2200 derivatives.
These microcontrollers provide identical functionality to a large extent, but each device
type has specific unique features as indicated here.
The descriptions in this manual cover a superset of the provided features.
“Summary of Basic Features” on Page 1-5
lists the derivatives covered by this
manual for a quick summary and comparison.
This manual is valid for these derivatives and describes all variations of the different
available temperature ranges and packages.
For simplicity, these various device types are referred to by the collective term
throughout this manual. The complete Pro Electron conforming designations are listed
in the respective Data Sheets.
Some sections of this manual do not refer to all of the XC2200 derivatives which are
currently available or planned (such as devices with different types of on-chip memory
or peripherals). These sections contain respective notes wherever possible.