XC2200 Derivatives
System Units (Vol. 1 of 2)
User’s Manual
V2.1, 2008-08
Intro, V1.1
the 16-bit controller family. This power management mechanism provides an effective
means to control the power that is consumed in a certain state of the controller and thus
minimizes the overall power consumption for a given application.
The XC16x derivatives represent the
fourth generation
of the 16-bit controller family.
The XC166 Family dramatically increases the performance of 16-bit microcontrollers by
several major improvements and additions. The MAC-unit adds DSP-functionality to
handle digital filter algorithms and greatly reduces the execution time of multiplications
and divisions. The 5-stage pipeline, single-cycle execution of most instructions, and
PEC-transfers within the complete addressing range increase system performance.
Debugging the target system is supported by integrated functions for On-Chip Debug
Support (OCDS).
The present XC2000 Family of microcontrollers builds the
fifth generation
of 16-bit
microcontrollers which provides 32-bit performance and takes users and applications a
considerable step towards industry’s target of systems on chip. Integrated memories and
peripherals allow compact systems, the integrated core power supply and control
reduces system requirements to one single voltage supply, the powerful combination of
CPU and MAC-unit is unleashed by optimized compilers. This leaves no performance
gap towards 32-bit systems.
A variety of different versions is provided which offer various kinds of on-chip program
• Mask-programmable ROM
• Flash memory
• OTP memory
• ROMless without non-volatile memory.
Also there are devices with specific functional units.
The devices may be offered in different packages, temperature ranges and speed
Additional standard and application-specific derivatives are planned and are in
Note: Not all derivatives will be offered in all temperature ranges, speed classes,
packages, or program memory variations.
Information about specific versions and derivatives will be made available with the
devices themselves. Contact your Infineon representative for up-to-date material or refer
Note: As the architecture and the basic features, such as the CPU core and built-in
peripherals, are identical for most of the currently offered versions of the XC2200,
descriptions within this manual that refer to the “XC2200” also apply to the other
variations, unless otherwise noted.
Not all derivatives are offered with all kinds of on-chip memory.