XC2200 Derivatives
System Units (Vol. 1 of 2)
Architectural Overview
User’s Manual
V2.1, 2008-08
ArchitectureX22, V1.1
Capture/Compare Units CCU6
The CCU6 units support generation and control of timing sequences on up to three 16-
bit capture/compare channels plus one independent 16-bit compare channel.
In compare mode, the CCU6 units provide two output signals per channel which have
inverted polarity and non-overlapping pulse transitions (deadtime control). The compare
channel can generate a single PWM output signal and is further used to modulate the
capture/compare output signals.
In capture mode the contents of compare timer T12 is stored in the capture registers
upon a signal transition at pins CCx.
The output signals can be generated in edge-aligned or center-aligned PWM mode.
They are generated continuously or in single-shot mode.
Compare timers T12 and T13 are free running timers which are clocked by the prescaled
system clock.
For motor control applications (brushless DC-drives) both subunits may generate
versatile multichannel PWM signals which are basically either controlled by compare
timer T12 or by a typical hall sensor pattern at the interrupt inputs (block commutation).
The latter mode provides noise filtering for the hall inputs and supports automatic
rotational speed measurement.
The trap function offers a fast emergency stop without CPU activity. Triggered by an
external signal (CTRAP) the outputs are switched to selectable logic levels which can be
adapted to the connected power stages.
Note: The number of available CCU6 units and channels depends on the selected
device type.